I can't say enough good things about you guys, you're the best. I have recommended you to several people in my gym. I don't know if that has or will translate into orders for you, but when I can put in a good word for you I do.
Shipping Speed
Good job
Shipping Speed
My interest is testosterone replacement therapy (I'm in my mid-50's age wise). I prefer water based test to estered oil because I want the early morning "spike" following early morning administration. And I take the HCG at night before bed. I believe that is more in line with men's natural biorhythms.
The Aquatest works well for me. I do with though that it came in 20 or 30 or even 50 ml multidose amps, rather than the (5) 1 ml glass vials, only because I end up re-mixing it and I worry about contamination / infections. Hasn't happened yet.
If you can get it that way I would buy it. I know I'm a small customer, and if you can't I'll continue to buy it as I have been.
Best regards,
Paul Casassa
Good job