Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma, Europe
Substance: Testosterone Suspension
Pack: 10ml vial (100mg/ml)
What is Suspension 100?
Suspension 100 is one of the most effective form of testosterone as it doesn't have an ester attached thus making it a 'pure' type of the parent hormone – testosterone. Many athletes believe that Testoxyl Suspension 100 is the first anabolic androgenic steroid appeared on the market. This testosterone, unlike Testoxyl Enanthate 250 or Testoxyl Propionate 100, is water-based form considered more painful rather oil-based testosterone and every last milligram of every injection is pure testosterone. Every athlete administrating Suspension 100 will elicit rapid increase strength, muscle mass gains, aggressiveness but also a sense of well-being and energy. Bodybuilders taking this testosterone know that it becomes active only 1 hour after its injection and is considered an extremely potent mass agent – one of the most powerful injectable steroid among others.
Many would argue that Suspension 100 is a fast acting anabolic steroid with a short life activity, but this steroid has an immediate initial activity. Also, it produces rapid muscle mass and strength thanks to the very fast action of this drug (this water-based steroid enters the blood stream immediately after the injection). Suspension 100 is also good at increasing one's immunity, promoting health, preventing Osteoporosis, gaining and maintaining lean muscle mass and size. Suspension 100 is a strong and potential mass builder, however an athlete should be caution with it due to its high risk of side effects.
Suspension 100 Side Effects
Suspension 100 can produce unwelcome side effects if an athlete will not use it properly or overdose with this steroid. Through aromatization, Suspension 100 can in-turn convert to estrogen, thus producing unpleasant side effects like: bloating, fat gain, oily skin, acne, gynecomastia, conversion to DHT (dihydrotestosterone) as well as lowering the body's natural production of the hormone. Many athletes will combine Suspension 100 with Nolvaxyl or Proviroxyl to avoid these side effects – usually they are taken onset of a cycle to prevent adverse effects. Those bodybuilders that face problems with hair loss may combine this steroid with Propecia or Proscar. In order not to minimize the effect of producing natural testosterone, it is required to administer testosterone stimulating drugs like Clomixyl, Nolvaxyl, Cyclofenil or HCG Pregnyl 5000IU during the cycle. It is known that the severity of all these side effects depends upon the dosage, the higher the dose the higher the muscle mass building effects and the higher potential adverse effects.
Suspension 100 Dosage
Athletes who administer Suspension 100 for bulking purposes will use it from 4 to 8 weeks (8 weeks being maximum of use) at a dose of 350mg to 1000mg per week (50-140mg/day). The most common practice of Suspension 100 is the daily injection (50 to 300mg per shot). Because the injections are painful, an athlete may split the dose into 2 smaller but equal doses to keep the dosage more practicable.
So, an athlete should choose for himself the best dose to obtain the desired look. Suspension 100 is an extremely powerful steroid, can cause a lot of side effects – but this testosterone will certainly get the job done.
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