Supertest 450 (Genetic) for sale Supertest 450 (Genetic) for sale
Injectable Steroids

Supertest 450 (Genetic)

Manufacturer: Genetic Pharmaceuticals
Substance: Testosterone Mix
Pack: 10 amps, 1 ml each (450 mg/ml)

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Supertest 450 (Genetic) Detailed

Genetic Pharma Supertest 450

Testosterone Acetate 32mg/ml

Testosterone Decanoat 147 mg/ml

Testosterone Propionate 73 mg/ml

Testosterone Phenylpropionate 73 mg/ml

Testosterone Cypionate 125 mg/ml

Supertest 450 (Genetic) Reviews
Jul 28, 2020 (09:36)

Great product! Highly recommend

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